Man, what an inspirational 24 hours. Really. To say that I'm speechless is an absolute understatement. I can't begin to thank all of you who reached out after I posted this blog, but I'll at least give it a shot. So from my family to yours, thank you. (I mean, I knew that from the minute I clicked 'post' I would've gotten some sort of response, but this?! Truly, truly amazing.)
As I had mentioned to some of you who I spoke with, my plan was to visit Bill today and just spend some quality time with him. Overall, it was a good day.
Saturday, September 27th
First off, let me clear your minds on something: The doctors had pretty much ruled out Bill having the big 'C' word a few days ago. The mass that the doctors examined after the biopsy was, wasn't a tumor...(Sorry, just trying to lighten up the mood here) and all the other tests they've run so far have come back and pretty much squashed the cancer theory. (Sorry for omitting that little small bit of information there, probably an important one, probably something I should have mentioned to those experiencing the initial shock of the news yesterday. Eh, my bad.)
Now, the good news: The doctor's are leaning towards a diagnosis, and if agreed upon, will go into effect probably sometime early next week. If Bill reacts well to the start of the treatment, there's a good chance he'll be released from the hospital within the coming weeks. From there it'll just be treatment and physical therapy, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. Just to let you all know, he's been doing great, improving each day, he's up, talking, conversing, getting stronger, etc. It'll just be a while before he starts to feel like himself again.
That's as much as I have until probably next week. I did have a chance to sit with him alone for a few minutes and personally let him know of what happened yesterday. He was in awe of it all, and he told me to send his love and thank's to everybody (he is still sans phone). I could tell it was a positive thing for Bill to hear and it definitely lifted his spirits. I know it lifted mine.
One last thing: After I posted this blog and the news got out, I had the chance to connect with a lot of people yesterday, albeit under a somber situation, but still, I connected with a lot of people. Some were people that I'd never thought I'd be talking to, some I haven't talked to in years, some since high school, even some I didn't even know. It was inspiring to see all these people in Bill's corner. I was certainly overwhelmed and when I got to the hospital today, the dregs of driving back and forth to the city, parking in garages, walking past sick or dying patients for the last 3 weeks were lifted just a little bit knowing that I was able to share that with Bill.
Until next time. Same bat time, same bat channel. -JM

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