Thursday, October 9, 2014

Welcome Home Billy Mac

After spending 4 weeks in the hospital and another 2 in rehab, Bill has finally earned the right to come home. 

Thursday, October 9th

I received word late Wednesday that my parents had met with Bill's physical therapists and after reviewing all of Bill's progress thus far, they have cleared the way for Bill to be released from the rehabilitation center and continue his treatment as an outpatient from home. From what I have seen and heard, Bill has outperformed all that has been asked of him and has astonished his physical therapists with his recovery process. As I mentioned before, knowing Bill's drive and determination to get better, it was no surprise to hear this type of news. Every time I met with Bill I could see the vast improvements he has made since his brain surgery on September 20th .

I still think Bill has a lot more to this journey, but at this point I think it might be best for him to tell the rest of story and dictate his outcome. (Of course if anything major occurs, I will let people know, however, I do not foresee that happening.)

I, along with my family, have been Bill's eyes and ears for the last 6 weeks and he knows all who have been asking for him and all who have been in his corner rooting for him. I know Bill wants to let everybody know how much you have meant to him during his recovery, and I'm sure he will do so in due time. 

(On a personal note: As I'm sure you could have assumed, I received hundreds of messages, texts, calls, etc. since the news broke. Although overwhelming, I tried to respond to each and everyone to personally thank those who reached out in such a scary time. It's not everyday that you get to hear what you've actually meant to people, how you may have taught somebody a life lesson or skill, how much you could have inspired somebody to do great or work harder, or just how much of a joy you are to be around...From all of the outpouring of love given by everyone, I was able to see how Bill has done all that and more by the tender age of 30. He is an outstanding kid with exceptional talent, but his biggest attributes of all might be his personality and his heart. I am certainly proud to call him my brother.)

So, as I mentioned above, I think Bill might be able to handle it from here. Being that Bill will be living at home and continuing his rehab assignments as an outpatient, I'm sure he will be feeling like himself in the not so distant future. His schedule will presumably be outpatient rehab and his relief of that will obviously depend on his progress. Until that time, there won't be much to report. 

Thanks for staying with me, keeping tabs on my brother and my family, and giving all your love and support during this last month and a half. It's been quite a roller coaster of a ride but I feel the ride has leveled itself off and will hopefully be smooth sailing until Bill is back to 100% healthy. 

Lastly, don't forget about the Cut-A-Thon run by Tavani's Barbershop on Sunday, November 2nd. (Click on the link for all the info.) If and when we decide to have a fundraiser for Bill, I will keep you informed both through my Facebook/Twitter page and this blog. 

Thank you all again. It has meant so much to Bill and us for all the support. We couldn't have done it without you. 

Until next time. -JM 

twitter: @crzyjcksn


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